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About me


Dolores Tarver, Ph.D., is a licensed psychologist who specializes in working with faith based institutions, corporations, and community organizationsto provide information to improve mental wellness and creating safe and affirmingspaces. In private practice she works with clients to address issues of self-worththat are causing them to be stuck in unhealthy patterns that affect relationships,careers, health, finances, and life satisfaction.


The “T”: My philosophy on life is that at some point, we will experience things
that affect our self-worth such as rejection (family, friends, romantic interests, jobs,
discrimination), neglect (affection, food, shelter), abuse (physical, verbal,
psychological, sexual, financial, religious), or other traumatic events. These
experiences shape how we learn to view the world (safety, trust, acceptance) and
how we cope (active or avoidant) with stressful events. Every thought (belief
system) has an origin and every coping mechanism serves a purpose. I find it may
be beneficial to ask if those thoughts and coping mechanism are “helpful’ or “not
helpful.” When something isn’t helpful (thoughts, behaviors), a good goal to work
toward is replacing it with something that is helpful. It is my hope that the
information shared through my social media pages will help you understand more
about your patterns so that you may begin or continue your journey toward
wellness in conjunction with your mental health provider, wellness coach, or
spiritual advisor. I only ask that you share information that you find helpful with
someone else who may benefit. Remember that we all have our own journeys, so
we will progress in different ways. Be kind to yourself and be well ♥

“Dr. Tarver was a breath of fresh air in sharing our experience.  She was attentive, engaged, and allowed us to mutually navigate our session.  My wife and I never felt pressured to discuss anything we were uncomfortable discussing regarding the loss of our daughter; however, she was very skillful and deliberate in encouraging us to embrace the emotions we were feeling, and not suppress them to allow true healing to occur within our soul.  We are so thankful for Dr. Tarver and her experience as a counselor.  She was so personable and caring by allowing us to speak our truth, that it naturally opened us up to develop solutions and recommendations to mend our own, longstanding, emotional wounds.  The experience felt as though we were talking to a caring family member than someone professionally trained to help others overcome mental and emotional health impediments.  I highly recommend Dr. Tarver for any life circumstances an individual encounters, because she builds a trust relationship with you, then works with you as a partner to develop solutions and strategies for addressing your identified counseling needs."


- Donny Hamilton

Alexa Young, CA

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